CIMC Drop-In Programs offer many opportunities for beginners and experienced practitioners alike to learn about Insight Meditation, to deepen their practice and to participate at the Center. We do not take registrations for Drop-In Programs. Please see our online program calendar for up-to-date information, and see below for more information for specific drop-in programs.
Zoom links (PASSCODE REQUIRED: cimc): Beginners, Dharma in Daily Life, Disability & Chronic Illness, Elders, LGBTQIA+, Little Buddhas, Parents Sangha, People of Color Sangha, Wednesday Evening Dharma. (The 35 & Under Sangha is being held in person.)
• Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of our drop-in programs.
• If you arrive early, we ask that you preserve the silence until the teacher arrives.
• Our drop-in programs begin promptly at the start time indicated below. Online participants will not be admitted to the Zoom room starting 10 minutes after the program start time so as not to disrupt the program. Thank you for understanding.
• If you would like to stay connected with CIMC and our Affinity Groups, please follow this link to sign up for updates and join community listservs:
Please click on a program below for its Zoom link and other information:
35 & Under Sangha
- 2nd and 4th Sundays (in-person): 7:00-8:15pm
- 2025 Dates: January 12, 26 | February 9, 23 | March 9, 23 | April 13, 27 | May 11 | June 8, 22 | July 13, 27 | August 10 | September 14, 28 | October 26 | November 9, 23 | December 14
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
This affinity group provides an opportunity for those ages 18-35 to practice the dharma in a supportive community setting. Every month, one meeting is led by Affinity Group Leaders Alex Baskin or Melanie Cherng -- while another meeting is led by a practice leader.
When led by an Affinity Group Leader, these evenings start with a period of guided sitting practice and walking meditation, followed by time for sharing: dyads (partner work) and small or large group discussion.
When led by a practice leader, these evenings will offer silent sitting and walking periods and will not offer meditation instruction — complete beginners should first attend a few sessions that are guided by a sangha leader with instruction on both walking and sitting practice.
Click here to meet a member of the 35 & Under Sangha.
Beginners Drop-In
Beginners Drop-In (hybrid and online)
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00pm (some exceptions, please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date schedule). Door will close at 6:10pm.
- This program will be hybrid on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. It will be offered online-only on all other Tuesdays.
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 928 8680 3138. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
On most Tuesday nights throughout the year CIMC offers an Insight Meditation (vipassana) program for beginners. Each class includes basic meditation instruction, practice and discussion. This class is appropriate for first-time meditators as well as those with meditation experience. No registration required.
The program begins promptly at 6:00pm. Please arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire class.
Beginners Drop-in is not offered during CIMC's end-of-summer break, during Multi-Day Retreats or when the Center is closed for winter break at the end of the year. Please see CIMC's online program calendar for up-to-date information.
Beginners Tea
Beginners Tea will meet in person from 7:00 – 7:45pm after the Beginners Drop-In on Tuesday, January 14, February 11, and March 25, 2025. More tea dates will be posted soon.
On most Tuesday nights throughout the year CIMC offers an Insight Meditation (vipassana) program for beginners. Each class includes basic meditation instruction, practice and discussion. This class is appropriate for first-time meditators as well as those with meditation experience. No registration required.
Following the Beginners Drop-In program, attendees will be invited to join others for snacks and tea. Practitioners, staff members, and teachers will be available to answer questions and share information about CIMC or the practice.
Our intention is to offer a relaxed space where those who are new to the Center and/or the practice will feel welcomed and supported. They will have the opportunity to learn more about the programs CIMC offers, and to talk with other long-time community members.
Vegan and gluten-free options will be provided.
Daily Sitting Practice
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:00-6:45pm
- Wednesday: 6:30-7:15pm
On weekday evenings CIMC offers a drop-in practice opportunity that is open to everyone: a 45-minute long meditation sit led by CIMC volunteer Practice Leaders. On Wednesday evenings, this is part of CIMC’s Wednesday Evening Dharma Program and runs from 6:30-7:15pm.
For the benefit of your fellow practitioners, please enter the meditation hall on time and stay through the end of the sit. All are welcome to attend; there is no registration.
Daily Sitting Practice is not offered during CIMC’s end-of-summer break, on federal holidays, or when the Center is closed for winter break at the end of the year. Please see our online program calendar for up-to-date information.
Dharma in Daily Life
- Weekdays: 8:45-9:00am
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 913 2860 9474. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Every weekday, Narayan Helen Liebenson offers 15 minutes of respite and support: a brief sitting practice, Dharma reflections, and her "Dharma Practice for Today" designed to help you live each day in a more connected, wise, generous and loving way. For more information, click here.
Disability & Chronic Illness Sangha
- 1st Sundays: 5:30-7:00pm
- 2025 Dates: January 5, 2025 | February 2 | March 2 | April 6 | May 4 | June 1 | July 13 (2nd Sunday) | August 3 | September 7 | October 5 | November 2 | December 7
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 935 2507 3737 (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
These gatherings are an opportunity to practice together and build community for those who self-identify as disabled and/or chronically ill*. We welcome the great variety of experiences and perspectives this includes, and we seek to view our experiences through the lens of dharma. Most meetings will include introductions, guided meditation, small and/or large group discussion, dharma teaching and a brief closing. To learn more about our sangha, we invite you to read our Welcome Statement.
The sangha is led by Reya Stevens who has had a disabling illness since she was a teenager, including 20 years’ riding a wheelchair and decades spent mostly lying down at home. Reya has been practicing Dharma since 1984 and has taught occasionally since 1997, as health and venue accessibility have allowed. Click here to meet Reya.
*This includes those who prefer different terminology—for example, a more specific descriptor like ‘blind’ or ‘neuro-divergent,’ or to simply explain their situation as needed. Please note, however, that the group is not geared towards people whose conditions are expected to be fully cured or healed in a relatively brief time (e.g., three months or less).
Elders Sangha
- 2nd Tuesdays (online) ; 4th Tuesdays (in-person): 10:30am-12:00pm
- 2025 Dates: January 14, 28 | February 11, 25 | March 11, 25 | April 8, 22 | May 13, 27 | June 10, 24 | July 8, 22 | September 9, 23 | October 14, 28 | November 11, 25 | December 9
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 963 1055 6128. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Intended for people ages 65 and up, the Elders Sangha meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. As elders, we're invited as never before to look deeply into the great issues of impermanence, diminishment, and mortality. Yet through practice these are balanced by expanding compassion, joy and appreciation of life. Let us take advantage of this opportunity and come together every month for talks, discussion, and meditation. Together we'll explore both the challenges and sources of inspiration that enrich the process of creative, conscious aging. The group is led by Bert Seager, Betty Burkes, Jim Austin, Jo Ann Share, and Kate Beers. Click here to meet a member of the Elders Sangha.
Gratitude Gathering
- Thursday, November 27: 10:30am-12:00pm
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 969 2654 3583. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
On Thanksgiving Day, we gather to share readings and reflections on gratitude and the blessings in our lives. Come join us for this annual community gathering. Bring your family, friends, parents, children and others you love. Everyone is welcome. Our time together will include a period of guided sitting practice and discussion.
- 3rd Fridays: 7:00-8:30pm
- 2025 Dates: January 17 | February 21 | March 21 | April 18 | May 16 | July 18 | September 19 | November 21 | December 12 (2nd Friday)
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 997 5010 1653. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
These evening gatherings provide a dedicated practice space at CIMC for people who self-identify as LGBTQIA+. This is a great opportunity to connect with and build community as we come together to practice, learn and celebrate who we are.
CIMC Core Teacher Madeline Klyne leads sitting and walking meditation followed by a Dharma teaching and/or discussion. Our affinity group is a “drop-in” and is appropriate for beginners as well as those with prior meditation experience. Click here to meet a member of the LGBTQIA+ Sangha.
Little Buddhas Sangha
- 1st Sundays: 10:00-10:30am
- Dates: February 2, 2025 (online) | March 2 (in-person) | April 6 (online) | May 4 (in-person) | June 1 (online) | September 7 (in-person) | October 5 (online) | November 2 (online) | December 7 (in-person).
Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 849 9190 5073. (passcode: cimc) - Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
This group is an informal opportunity for parents and small children (ages 3-8) to explore a family practice. Through singing, playful movement and storytelling we learn how to spend time together mindfully. Seasonal and festive themes are interwoven in our work to bring in color, fun, and a community atmosphere. We introduce the concepts of awareness, non-judgement or acceptance, and stillness (in heart and mind -- the body may be moving). Some examples of mindfulness that might be explored are: mindful listening, mindful breathing, mindful seeing, and more. Children are naturally in tune with their bodies and their environment. Our work together tries to harness this beautiful quality of wonder and presence. We have a high tolerance for movement and sound, and the children are not expected to sit still or be quiet all the time. At the end of the session, there is some time reserved for conversation.
Children must be supervised by an adult at all times while at the Center. Our activities are geared to children ages 3-8. However, we are happy to welcome younger and older siblings so that families have the opportunity to practice and be together.
Other Drop-Ins
BEREAVEMENT CEREMONY: Friday, March 28 from 6:30-8:00pm
Once a year we gather together in community to mourn and release those we have loved deeply, who have died. We remember family members and friends as well as practitioners at CIMC. The group that gathers is open-hearted and friendly, bonded together by the possibility of honoring the ebbs and flows of this life as it manifests in our personal relationships. You may come in the name of anyone you are mourning, whether recently or those further in the past, incompletely mourned. It is also fine to come to mourn traumatic events in the world. This evening consists of a small amount of chanting, a short introduction and talk, and a time for each of us to light a candle in remembrance of those we are mourning. Each will have the option to speak for a few minutes about the gifts we’ve received from our connection with those who have had a significant place in our hearts. After all candles are lit, we chant some more and then blow out our candles together.
GRATITUDE GATHERING: Thursday, November 27 from 10:30am to 12:00pm
On Thanksgiving Day, we gather to share readings and reflections on gratitude and the blessings in our lives. Come join us for this annual community gathering. Bring your family, friends, parents, children and others you love. Everyone is welcome. Our time together will include a period of guided sitting practice and discussion.
NEW YEAR'S EVE PRACTICE & REFLECTIONS: Wednesday, December 31, 9:00-11:00pm
Please join the CIMC community for a contemplative and connecting transition to the new year. Our time together will include guided meditation, chanting, a Buddhist and Taoist perspective on the dark of the year, and the invitation to share reflections and poetry. We will set intentions for this next year including the opportunity to take the refuges and precepts.
Narayan will be joined as she has been for the past two years by her husband, Dr. Jonathan Klate, who is among the senior practitioners of traditional acupuncture and Chinese medicine, in practice continuously since 1975 having followed his father into this calling.
Parents Sangha
- 2nd Thursdays: 8:00-9:15pm
- 2025 Dates: January 9 | February 13 | March 13 | April 10 | May 8 | June 12 | July 10 | September 11 | October 9 | November 13 | December 11
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 987 8139 8893. (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
CIMC’s Parents Sangha provides an opportunity for parents of children of all ages to practice together and build community. Bringing mindful attention to our skills as parents can increase our capacity to form strong bonds with all the members of our family. The practice of mindfulness cultivates conditions of openness and receptivity, in which communication and emotional connection naturally flourish.
Parenting is both a joyful and a challenging endeavor. In this group, we seek to view our experiences through the lens of Dharma. We will learn how to regulate our nervous systems, and model mindfulness for our families, so that we are able to navigate the inevitable waves of joy and frustration that accompany every parent’s experience with a greater sense of ease.
This sangha is led by parent Jim Austin, and is appropriate for new and experienced practitioners and parents of children of all ages. Gatherings will include meditation practice, discussion, and questions.
People of Color Sangha
- 1st Fridays: 6:30-8:00pm
- 2025 Dates: January 10 | February 7 | March 7 | April 4 | May 2 | June 6 | July 11 (2nd Friday) | August 8 | September 12 | October 3 | November 7 | December 5
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
- If online: Zoom link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 922 8607 7706. (passcode: cimc)
- Please check our online calendar to determine if the POC Sangha will meet online or in person.
The POC Sangha provides a dedicated practice space at CIMC for those who self-identify as people of color and is appropriate for beginners as well as those with meditation experience. Over the course of the year, this drop-in program will explore the Dharma of the human experience; taking Buddhist teachings as our lens to explore the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, tenderness and beauty of living in a world of change. Please feel free to come to any, or all, of the monthly gatherings.
Our Friday evenings together will typically include:
- Guided Meditation
- Dharma Reflection/Teaching
- Small Group Reflection
- Large Sharing Circle, with Q and A, if time allows
- Community Announcements
The POC Sangha is led by Affinity Group Leaders Gina LaRoche, Juan Sosa, and Melanie Cherng. Click here to meet a member of the POC Sangha.
Sitting & Sangha
Sitting & Sangha (in-person)
Mondays, 6:00-7:15pm (some exceptions, please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date schedule). Doors will close at 6:10 pm.
Join Madeline Klyne and others in the CIMC sangha to deepen your practice in community. Connect or reconnect with each other in person at CIMC and reflect on the teachings together. This unique program creates an opportunity to sit and talk in small groups about what matters most to you in the present moment. All are welcome.
6:00-6:30 pm: Sitting
6:30-6:55 pm: Dharma Question for Small Groups
6:55-7:15 pm: Dharma Discussion
This is a drop-in program; no registration required.
Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Sunday Afternoon Extended Practice
Sunday Afternoon Extended Practice (in-person)
Sundays, 2:00-5:15pm (some exceptions, please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date schedule).
Time | Activity |
2:00-2:45 | Sit |
2:45-3:15 | Walk |
3:15-4:00 | Sit |
4:00-4:30 | Walk |
4:30-5:15 | Sit |
You are welcome to attend for any part of the program, however, please plan on entering the Meditation Hall either before the first sit or during any walking period. This practice is silent and led by a practice leader.
Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Teatime Dharma
Teatime Dharma (in-person)
Mondays, 4:00-5:30pm (some exceptions, please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date schedule). Doors will close at 4:10 pm.
This is an opportunity to get together with Madeline Klyne and others in the CIMC sangha to explore and investigate our practice. We address the questions that participants bring and share from our direct experience. Together we recollect the Buddha’s teachings and learn from the group’s wisdom and compassion. Our focus is on practice questions that arise from direct experience. Bring your curiosity and your questions. All are welcome.
This is a drop-in program; no registration required.
Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Thursday Morning Retreat
Thursday Morning Retreat (in-person)
Thursdays, 9:00am-1:00pm (some exceptions, please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date schedule).
These informal, in-person retreats consist of alternating sitting and walking periods between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. They provide an opportunity to practice meditation in silence with others at CIMC. Volunteer meditators can sign up on the day of to ring the bell at the end of each walking and sitting period.
We observe the following meditation schedule. You are welcome to come to CIMC for any part of the retreat; however, please plan on entering the meditation hall either before the first sit or during any walking period.
- 9:00-10:00 Sit
- 10:00-10:20 Walk
- 10:20-11:00 Sit
- 11:00-11:20 Walk
- 11:20-12:00 Sit
- 12:00-12:20 Walk
- 12:20-1:00 Sit
Some participants like to sit together for lunch and dharma discussion after the retreat. We invite you to bring a vegetarian lunch and to join others starting at 1:00 pm.
Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
Wednesday Evening Dharma
Wednesday Evening Dharma is now being offered either hybrid (in person and online) or online-only.
For a list of upcoming speakers and information about which Wednesdays will be offered hybrid v. online-only, please visit our page: Wednesday Evening Program.
You are welcome to attend just the sit, just the talk, or both. Please note that the doors to the meditation hall will be closed at 6:40 for the Evening Sit and at 7:40 for the Dharma talk. If you arrive early, please preserve the silence until the teacher arrives.
- Wednesdays: 6:30 – 8:45pm.
- 6:30 – 7:15: Evening Sit.
- 7:15 – 7:30: Mindful Break.
- 7:30 – 8:45: Dharma Talk.
- Zoom Link (registration not required): Click here or dial +1 (646) 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 960 7085 2464 (passcode: cimc)
- Donation (dana): Please consider making a donation to CIMC in support of this program.
On most Wednesday evenings throughout the year, a CIMC or visiting teacher offers a Dharma Talk. Registration is not required; this is a drop-in program. We invite attendees to offer financial support for our visiting teachers through the practice of dana (generosity). All are welcome regardless of ability to pay.
All are welcome to attend; there is no registration.
Closed Captions (CC) for CIMC Programs are generated through Zoom.