CIMC offers financial assistance to all who request it to attend programs and events at the Center. CIMC’s Work Exchange Program provides an opportunity to serve the Center in exchange for credits that may be used to pay the cost of attending any CIMC program as well as for membership at CIMC. Work exchange may be done in order to register for a specific program or as an ongoing arrangement to build credits for future programs. Work exchange credits are accrued at the rate of $18.00 per hour and are not transferable.
CIMC relies on work exchange and volunteerism for one-time and short-term opportunities such as house-keeping, gardening and yard work, as well as longer term commitments such as greeting, registration and library support.
While we endeavor to do so, CIMC cannot always guarantee that work exchange tasks are available on short notice. To fund registration for a specific program, the request to enroll in work exchange must be received by email at least two weeks before the program commences. A simple request is sufficient and should include the title and date of the program. The agreed-upon exchange hours must be completed by the program start date. We make every effort to offer sufficient work hours to complete registration. In the event this is not possible, a partial scholarship may be offered to cover the difference.
To enroll in CIMC’s Work Exchange Program, or if you have any questions, please contact us at or (617) 441-9038, or stop by the office Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm. We will work with you to arrange suitable work and a start date. Enrollment in the program can be done in person at the Center on your first day.