This program will be hosted both in-person and online (hybrid). This is the registration page to join Narayan Helen Liebenson and Stephanie Morgan online via Zoom. (Register here if you prefer to attend in person.) Registrants will receive the link to join the program in their Order Confirmation email. Times are ET.
Life is vast and powerful, at times wondrous, and at times, acutely painful. Yet only when we engage life as it is – in all its dimensions of darkness and light – are we fully alive. We might know this truth intellectually, yet opening our hearts and minds to engage when things are hard feels too risky, too steep, too unbearable. Our habit is to turn away, shut down, to try to manage by disengaging.
Practice helps us find our footing and maintain our balance as we open our hearts and minds more deeply to the joyful and sorrowful realities of this life. To strengthen our capacity for living fully we need to nurture ourselves with the ever-present ballast of wholesomeness and light. It is essential that we learn to access the joy and wonder available to us.
The path of practice enables and challenges us to cultivate the inner resources to engage our lives more deeply and with intimacy. With practice we may become fully alive.
This workshop will include practice, talks, and discussion focused on deepening our engagement with the dark and the light within ourselves, our relationships, and our world.
Narayan and Stephanie first met when they both sat the three-month retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA in 1978. They bring the richness of their 45 years of spiritual friendship, and their ongoing co-exploration of the Dharma, to this day of investigation and practice. They look forward to spending the day together, sharing in this exploration with each other and with all who join them. Everyone is welcome.
CIMC is deeply grateful to Stephanie Morgan for generously contributing her time and teaching to support the Center and all who attend this CIMC Benefit Workshop.
CIMC does not offer scholarships for its benefit programs.
Stephanie Morgan, MSW, PsyD. has been practicing meditation for over 35 years in the Zen and Vipassana traditions. She is a faculty member of The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy and in private practice in Manchester MA. She is a contributing author to Germer, Siegel, and Fulton, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Ed 1; Germer and Siegel, Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy; and Germer, Siegel, and Fulton, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Ed 2.
(Closed Captions (CC) for CIMC Programs are generated through a third party, CIMC programs and their content are not being sent to any other third party for any other use.) This program will not be recorded.