Bereavement Ceremony (online) Special Events Narayan Helen LiebensonNarayan Helen Liebenson2025-03-28 18:30:00 03/28/2025
A Walk in the Park: Mindfulness and Connecting with the CIMC Community at Mount Auburn Cemetery Special Events Madeline KlyneMadeline Klyne2025-05-04 14:00:00 05/04/2025
A Walk in the Park: Mindfulness and Connecting with the CIMC Community at Mount Auburn Cemetery Special Events Madeline KlyneMadeline Klyne2025-10-26 14:00:00 10/26/2025
Gratitude Gathering (online) Special Events Madeline KlyneMadeline Klyne2025-11-27 10:30:00 11/27/2025
New Year’s Eve Practice & Reflections (online) Special Events Narayan Helen LiebensonNarayan Helen Liebenson2025-12-31 21:00:00 12/31/2025